20 Sep How to Get More Instagram Likes
By Christina Newberry
With 500 million monthly active users, Instagram is second in social media popularity only to Facebook, making it the photo-and-video-sharing network of choice for consumers and brands alike. Users upload more than 95 million photos and videos every day, and those posts garner 4.2 billion daily Instagram likes. A single post—done right—can rack up tens of thousands (or hundreds of thousands or even millions) of likes.
It’s not just celebrity Instagram accounts that see those big numbers: 68 percent of Instagram users regularly engage with brands. Brands using Instagram see a per-follower interaction rate of 2.26 percent, more than 10 times the 0.22 percent they see on Facebook, and almost 100 times the 0.027 percent they see on Twitter.
With that level of user engagement, Instagram provides an important way to connect with fans—and potential fans—to create a sense of community and brand loyalty that’s impossible to achieve through traditional marketing, or even other social networks. But before you can start engaging with fans, you need to get their attention—and that means learning how to get Instagram likes.
What are Instagram likes?
As on other social networks, users on Instagram can choose to “like” your content. They can do so by double-tapping your photo or video on the mobile app, or by clicking the heart icon under your content on the app or on a desktop. Instagram users do not have to be following you in order to like your posts.
So why are likes a big deal? They’re often the first point of contact between your content and a potential new follower. It’s a low-commitment way for users to show appreciation for others’ post, but likes can build into ongoing engagement that helps you build an Instagram community.
For brands especially, it’s important to get enough likes to bolster your credibility. A photo with a very small number of likes can harm your brand more than it helps.
How to get more likes on Instagram
As with any marketing tool in your arsenal, you need to develop a clear Instagram strategy based on concrete goals. Sure, posting photos and creating witty captions can be fun, but without a clear plan in mind, it’s more of a game than a legitimate business approach.
Once you’ve nailed down what you want to achieve with your Instagram feed, it’s time to look at how the components that make up each post can give you an Instagram likes boost. View Full Article >>
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